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About us

Founded in September 2014, CLAP! Ça Tourne!, an audiovisual production and post-production non-profit organization, helps passionate amateurs and professionals realize their audiovisual projects.

CLAP! Ça Tourne! has so far produced and created web-series and web-films (short, medium and feature-length), but can also produce clips, and (web) documentaries.

Who are we?

Students, amateurs, volunteers, hobby enthusiasts, professionals and creatives, full of energy, we give our time to create and realize our projects, and the projects of people of all ages.


Association life

To find out about our latest activities and projects, don't hesitate to follow us on Twitter or on the association's Instagram account.

What we did

Sang pour Sang, 2024

Après la disparition de sa sœur, Florian mène l’enquête sur le fameux tueur du Montubois. Ce qu’il découvre change sa vie, à jamais.


While in foster care, Valentin, regularly suffers sexual abuse and assault. On his 18th birthday, his life changes forever.

ENCLAVE : The Four of Neuville. (2019 - 2023)

As the product spreads across continents, plunging the world into chaos, the Four of Neuville are the only ones who can stop ADES and save what's left of humanity.

COLLATERAL, webseries REFUGE's spin of. (2017 - 2018)

After a meteorological event, a few survivors try to flee the area to escape the Cleaners and the mysterious hemorrhagic fever.

Still from the season 2 of the webseries:REFUGE" (2015 - 2017)

REFUGE tells the story of three young heroes trying to survive in a world changed by a meteorological cataclysm.

In season two, sixteen months later, Camille finds herself alone in a fortune camp she has set up. She tries to survive and make herself forgotten, but problems catch up with her. She pulls out all the stops to try and survive with her new group in this ever-changing world.